Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New class pet....

We now have a new official class pet. It is a beta fish (which the sales lady assured me are very sturdy...and replacable if necessary). And we are looking for a here is where you come in. I know the kids will name it "dada," "mama," or "Nemo." So if you have any ideas please leave a comment. We have had Jonah suggested from Travis (my fiancee as of Tuesday... if you want to know the whole story I would love to share),

Fin (my idea), and Jaws (a family friend's idea). Ideas are welcome! I want it easy enough for the kids to say, but cute too. Pleae leave a comment and the custest name wins- You get him the first weekened (just kidding!).

So PLEASE comment...give us ideas...our poor fish needs a name

Art work....

Thought you might enjoy seeing your precious one's art/hanprints....

Monday, August 24, 2009

The First Day of School...

Alyssa first day of shoool...could she be anymore beautiful?

Could Jay BE any cuter?

Talk about the first day smile!

I have no clue what we were eating...but it must have been YUMMY!

MMMMMMM...animal cookies!

Animal crackers and blocks make the world much better (for a one year old anyway)

LUNCH: mmmm....pasta

Someone enjoyed her lunch....

Lunch is great, but I love my bottle...

Brooke in the garden/mail center.

Noah with a piano bead puzsle

Zack witha fun maze toy!

Alyssa, Amy, and Shawn

Brooke calling "someone"- I am still not sure who she was calling



Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pictures from Last Week

Zackary on the truck-VROOOM!
Landon walking...I am so proud!

What a smile- such silly children!

Alyssa waiting for snack...what patient friends we have!

Landon going for a ride.

Zackary waiting for snack...that laugh is CONTAGIOUS!

Hook'em Horns


Alyssa playing on the mats- check out the cute ponytail!

Handome Jay- I love his HUGE brown eyes and muscle shirt!

Landon playing on the mats and with a truck- multitasking!

Welcome our website...

First of all, welcome to our webpage. In order to view this page, you will have to link to the website I have sent you. It should not be able to googled or found on any search engines. I will post updates, reminders, pictures, and many other fun things from our classroom. So check back often, and I will try to send out a mass e-mail letting you know when I update it.

I know that school officially starts on Monday, but it must be either the teacher in me or the die hard nerd who loves school, and yet just can not contain my excitement. I wanted to share a little bit about what we will be working on these next few weeks and share just a few reminders and pictures.

First of all, please return the yellow card completely filled out (front and back) to me as soon as possible. I know it is boring paper work, but it is important boring paper work. If your child is already in the center and you have already filled one out before, I still need another new one. We are trying to keep our information and files as current as possible.

Next, remember this week might be a little tough for some of the little ones (Who am I kidding? It might be tough for us too). I assure you we will do everything possible to make this transition easier for them and for you. Before long they will be running into school to see their friends, teachers, and probably most importantly the toys!

The next few weeks we will be working on getting to know each other. We will be learning names (or trying to anyway) and working on "books" about all of our new friends in our class. Our color for the rest of this month is pink or rosado. We have a cute song we sing about the colors in circle time so you might hear that. The shape is square. Our Scripture is "Be strong." It is based off of Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified do not be dismayed. For the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go." We will be talking about Daniel and the lion's den, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Moses, and many other stories. Please note these stories are not read verbatim to them from the Bible but rather paraphrased or told in story form.

Now for some pictures (If I don't have any pictures of your child up yet, it is because they weren't there-I will post pictures of everyone soon)...


Don't worry there is much more to come...have a great weekend and I will see you Monday!